Monday, May 25, 2009

Still the longest race of the year....

Wow. Monday. Memorial Day. Still in Charlotte. Still at the track. Rain on the way. Hmmmmm.
Well, that's the way it goes sometimes. Last year we had about a half dozen rainouts by this time of the season,
so this season hasn't been that bad. But I feel stuck in Charlotte...
The word on the street is that if we don't get the race in today, they will try it again tomorrow. The second plan is
that it will be rescheduled to the off week in July, which is the weekend between Chicago and Indianapolis. If they cancel
today and try tomorrow, I think I get to go home in the morning and we forego the Victory Lane show. If they reschedule
it to July, that kinda stinks because that weekend is my 25th high school reunion. I could probably still work it and get
to the reunion that Saturday night. We'll see.
At least we're staying at a nice hotel...Omni Charlotte. The pillow are nice, the bed is nice, the room is nice,
but I'm ready to go home.
Have a great Memorial Day and I hope you take the time to remember those in the military who are serving and those
who have given their lives for our freedom. Thanks so much! Also, take a moment in your busy life to be thankful for
your family and remember those who have gone before us to make our lives great. Thanks, Dad! I miss you!!

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