Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day from Sonoma

It's a first for me today. For the first time in my 43 years, a Father's Day is here without my dad. It seems like yesterday when he passed away and it seems like forever since I've seen him. What a great dad! He made it hard to rebel. He had long hair, tattoos and wore an earring. So what's a teen boy who wants to rebel to do? Go to more youth group meetings at church? There are so many great memories I have of my dad. I try to remember what made me feel the best growing up as a kid with my dad and I try to implement those things in my kids lives. I loved fishing with my dad and being out in nature, so I try to do the same thing with my boys. There are a ton more distractions today that keep us all inside, but I grew up outside. My dad taught me to appreciate the outdoors. I try to instill the love of the land and the genuine love for people my dad had into my own boys. I hope they get it. I think they do. I miss you, Dad!

1 comment:

Grandma Bennett said...

Thanks Joel. A great tribute to your dad. I love you. Mom