Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Queen City...

I have arrived early to my work this week. We have a Saturday night race in Charlotte, NC, but needed to come in today for a program on Thursday. Interesting thing...Charlotte is known as the Queen City. Oddly enough, there are 16 cities in the US currently or formerly nicknamed "The Queen City". For your reading pleasure, here they are....
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Bangor, Maine
Buffalo, New York
Burlington, Vermont
Charlotte, North Carolina, from being named after Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg
Cincinnati, Ohio
Clarksville, Tennessee
Cumberland, Maryland
Denver, Colorado
Helena, Montana
Manchester, New Hampshire
Plainfield, New Jersey
Seattle, Washington, used Queen City as its official nickname from 1869 until 1982
Springfield, Missouri
Staunton, Virginia
Virginia, Minnesota

I have been to a handful of those cities and have never seen a queen in any one of them...I have been to San Fransisco and seen several queens...maybe San Fransisco should be nicknamed "The Queen City"...just a thought.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I hope none of my friends here in Cincinnati read your post. According to them there is only ONE Queen City. Cincinnatians are extremely uhmmm, shall we say proud.

If you weren't born here you are an outsider. Thank goodness the hubby is a native Cincinnati is our ticket to acceptance. :)

Joel said...

I always thought Cincinnati was the Queen City...I guess from "WKRP" days...I vote Cincinnati THE Queen City!