Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Red Carpet...

Why is the red carpet always red in award shows? The earliest known reference to walking a red carpet in literature is in the play Agamemnon by Aeschylus, written in 458 BC. When the title character returns from Troy, he is greeted by his vengeful wife Clytemnestra who offers him a red path to walk upon:
"Now my beloved, step down from your chariot, and let not your foot, my lord, touch the Earth. Servants, let there be spread before the house he never expected to see, where Justice leads him in, a crimson path."
Agamemnon, knowing that only Gods walk on such luxury, responds with trepidation:
"I am a mortal, a man; I cannot trample upon these tinted splendors without fear thrown in my path."
In 1902, The New York Central Railroad used plush crimson carpets to direct people as they boarded their 20th Century Limited passenger train. This is believed to be the earliest modern use of the "red carpet treatment" as part of ceremony.
Anywho...I am at the Red Carpet of the CMA Music Awards tonight. I will be in the truck, of course, so I will have no access to the celebs....but if I did I think a probation violation might come into play...I love me some Faith!
In case you do watch the Red Carpet Live Show before the CMA Awards show on ABC tonight, I will be the guy who makes all the little montage packages of the "stars" in and out of breaks....unless it looks really bad, then the other guy did it.
This time tomorrow I will be in sunny Florida, at least I hope it's sunny. The last race of the season!!!
oh, and the hotel, as you recall, is on the beach in Key Largo...snorkel city!!!!!

1 comment:

Holly Anderson said...

Remember my request . . . just stick your hand out the window and streeeeeeetch if need be.

I'll be waiting for my package in the mail.