Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Kinda like a TiVo

Daytona, whoo-hoo!  I arrived late last night in Orlando and made the drive to Daytona.   We are in a new HD truck that is incredible.  There is so much space!  We have 4 EVS's this season, up from 2 last year, so we are locked and loaded.  We are spending the day today labeling all of our monitors, tape machines and routers so we know what we're looking at and if we're looking at what we think we're looking at.  I am once again working with my friend Sanford doing our EVS work.  EVS is a hard disk recording device...basically a TiVo on steroids.  We have 60 hours of recording space on each EVS.  And it never stops you can back up something even as it is still going on.  An example is in a football game, the QB takes the snap, fades back, makes the throw, the WR catches it for the touchdown.  Well, as soon as the snap takes place, I can pause my machine at that moment, but the recording is still going on.  That way, the replay is immediately ready to roll.  It is a lot of fun.  You then can make clips of what you have recorded and even stack them into a playlist, making a highlight package.  So that's what I do....and it's fun.  No shows today, just setting it all up.
It was nice last night leaving my balcony sliding door open and hearing the ocean crashing all night.  Only 12 more days in Daytona.  Anybody wanna come visit?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YES!! I wanna come down for a visit! It would sure beat the tornado watches, rain, snow and sleet we've seen here in the past 24 hours! Have a great time in Daytona!