Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday, Sunday...

Quick one tonight....gotta get to bed...I'm taking Sandy, the twins, and Hannah to the airport at 7am and then I take off at 8am.  I plan to hit the New England Aquarium tomorrow in Boston. 
 I have done the typical Boston tourist things, but didn't go the aquarium last time I was there.  Should be fun...the pictures remind me of going to Shedd's aquarium in Chicago when we were little kids.  Thanks, Mom and Dad.  I drove by Shedd's a few weeks's still there.  Those of you with the DirectTV or Dish NHL package, tune into our game, Nashville vs. Boston, on Tuesday night.  It's going to be a whole night of teaching the ins and outs of hockey, rules, "why'd he just do that"...should be fun.  Those of you with 4 channels and an antenna on your roof, sorry.  At least your road is paved.  ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, by golly the road is paved and we now have sunlight piped in on an off and bases.

I envy you the Boston Aquarium.