Monday, May 19, 2008

Joyce "Dottie" Rambo

Dottie Rambo passed away in a tour bus accident on May was her memorial service here in Nashville. It was a great gathering of many Gospel artists from around the world. It was held at Christ Church...the choir was filled with nearly 100 incredible gospel singers. Bill Gaither led the choir in about 12 songs with Sandy Patti, the Crabb family, Jesse Dixon, William Lee Golden from the Oak Ridge Boys, Mark Lowry and many others singing lead. Barbara Mandrell spoke along with a few other pastors including Carlton Pearson. Carlton read letters of condolence from Lily Tomlin, Bishop T.D. Jakes, and President George Bush. President Bush also sent the flag that was flown over the White House on Mother's Day, the day Dottie passed away. Though the room was filled with many different denominations, ideologies, and, frankly, some theology that I don't agree with, there was a lot of love for this great lady.
Dottie was a great singer and songwriter who has influenced the world with her music. I had the privilege to spend a lot of time with Dottie when Sandy and I lived at Dony and Reba's when we first moved to Nashville. She was so witty and an incredibly funny lady. She was always more concerned with you than herself. I loved fixing things in her house, changing light bulbs, getting her vcr to stop flashing 12:00...those times gave me a chance to spend time with this great lady. The last time I talked with her was in the Nashville airport awhile back as she was heading out on another tour. She had a never-give-up attitude.
Dottie's songs will carry on throughout eternity...see you in Heaven, Dottie...we'll miss you...I love you!

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